Price-action based Range Sentiment
directly on your charts

100% FREE

Price-action based Range Sentiment
directly on your charts

100% FREE

Price-action based Range Sentiment
directly on your charts

100% FREE

Last added feature

Sentimental Label Added

Last added feature

Sentimental Label Added

Last added feature

Sentimental Label Added

A tool engineered to display market sentiment on your TradingView charts

Say good-bye to to sentimental online platforms.


By integrating market sentiment directly into the charts, it simplifies the trading process, removing the reliance on online websites and services for sentiment analysis, which often rely on limited brokerage data and resources.

Real-time updates

This indicator not only comes FREE but also updates with every tick on your charts, ensuring traders stay constantly tuned to market sentiment.


This indicator stands out by its capability to analyze sentiment across all markets and timeframes through a mechanical utilization of market structure.


The bias table shows the actual Ranges if set of higher timeframes, allowing you to be always aware of the trend across all timeframes.


With the probabilities displayed on your charts, you can identify high-quality setups for your targets, aiding traders in visualizing the types of trades they can undertake based on that information.

Mobile Friendly

The tool is highly fluid and mobile-friendly, catering to individuals who want to trade using the TradingView Phone app.

A tool engineered to display market sentiment on your TradingView charts

Say good-bye to to sentimental online platforms.


By integrating market sentiment directly into the charts, it simplifies the trading process, removing the reliance on online websites and services for sentiment analysis, which often rely on limited brokerage data and resources.

Real-time updates

This indicator not only comes FREE but also updates with every tick on your charts, ensuring traders stay constantly tuned to market sentiment.


This indicator stands out by its capability to analyze sentiment across all markets and timeframes through a mechanical utilization of market structure.


By integrating market sentiment directly into the charts, it simplifies the trading process, removing the reliance on online websites and services for sentiment analysis, which often rely on limited brokerage data and resources.

Real-time updates

This indicator not only comes FREE but also updates with every tick on your charts, ensuring traders stay constantly tuned to market sentiment.


This indicator stands out by its capability to analyze sentiment across all markets through a mechanical utilization of market structure.

A tool engineered to display market sentiment on your TradingView charts

Say good-bye to to sentimental online platforms.


By integrating market sentiment directly into the charts, it simplifies the trading process, removing the reliance on online websites and services for sentiment analysis, which often rely on limited brokerage data and resources.

Real-time updates

This indicator not only comes FREE but also updates with every tick on your charts, ensuring traders stay constantly tuned to market sentiment.


This indicator stands out by its capability to analyze sentiment across all markets and timeframes through a mechanical utilization of market structure.


By integrating market sentiment directly into the charts, it simplifies the trading process, removing the reliance on online websites and services for sentiment analysis, which often rely on limited brokerage data and resources.

Real-time updates

This indicator not only comes FREE but also updates with every tick on your charts, ensuring traders stay constantly tuned to market sentiment.


This indicator stands out by its capability to analyze sentiment across all markets through a mechanical utilization of market structure.

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